Taikyoku Sandan

太極 三段

The Taikyoku series consists of three preparation Kata introduced by Gichin Funakoshi (1868 – 1957) as a way to simplify the principles of the basic Kata of the Heian series. Literally, the Kanji character 太 (tai) means, among other things, ‘big around’, while the Kanji character 極 (kyoku) means, among other things, ‘the most highly’. Referring to the Chinese philosophical concept of Taiji (a condition arising from Wuji (Primordial Limitlessness) and giving rise to Yang and Yin), Taikyoku ( 太極 ) can therefore best be translated into English as ‘The Supreme Ultimate’, as it embodies all potential. Karateka who want to develop themselves should therefore always go back to this source of the Supreme Ultimate in order to work on their own basics. That is why it is so important to practice each Taikyoku kata (actually developed by Gichin’s son Yoshitaka (1906 – 1945), better known as Gigo), including the third and final one of this preparation series, which is named Sandan ( 三段 ), meaning ‘third grade’. In the video embedded below (recorded on 5 June 2023), budoka Johan Oldenkamp, a former national runner-up from the Netherlands, performs this the third and final preparation Kata of Shotokan ( 松濤館 ) Karatedo ( 空手道 ).

Each Taikyoku Kata consists of 20 steps, including 7 turns (apart from the beginning turn and the ending turn), where each turn is always inwards to the embusen. Taikyoku Sandan involves four different basic moves. To the left and right, these are Uchi-Uke (or inside block) in Kokutsu-Dachi (or back stance) followed by Oi-Tsuki (or lunge punch) at Chudan (middle) level in Zenkutsu-Dachi (or front stance). Forward and back again, these are Gedan-Barai (or low block) followed by three Oi-Tsuki at Jodan (high) level, all in Zenkutsu-Dachi.

© Shotokan-Karatedo.org : This page was last updated on 2024/03/26.