The Tekki series consists of three kata with always the same stance, namely Kiba-Dachi (or straddle stance), while moving side to side in a linear fashion, meaning that the embusen (or line of movement) is a straight line, running horizontally. Introduced by Gichin Funakoshi (1868 – 1957), the name Tekki ( 鉄騎 ) combines two Kanji characters: Tetsu ( 鉄 ), meaning ‘iron’ or ‘steel’, and Ki ( 騎 ), meaning ‘to ride on a horse’, ‘equestrian’, or ‘knight’. Put together, the name Tekki means ‘Iron Knight’ or ‘Steel Horse Riding’. The second kata of this straddle stance series is named Nidan ( 二段 ), meaning ‘second grade’. This kata is about counter grappling. In the video embedded below (recorded on 19 June 2023), budoka Johan Oldenkamp, a former national runner-up from the Netherlands, performs this second grade Steel Horse Riding kata of Shotokan ( 松濤館 ) Karatedo ( 空手道 ).
© : This page was last updated on 2023/06/20.