Renzoku-Waza Shodan

連続技   初段

Renzoku (or 連続 in Japanese) means ‘continuous’, while Waza (or 技 in Japanese), among other things, means ‘skill’. So Renzoku-Waza means being skilled in performing a continuous series of techniques. As part of the Kihon section, it forms an important part of the examination for the lower degrees of the black belt or Dan levels. In the video embedded below, budoka Johan Oldenkamp, a former national runner-up from the Netherlands, performs the Renzoku-Waza for the first degree black belt level ( 初段 ; Shodan) according to the examination requirements of Shotokan ( 松濤館 ) Karatedo ( 空手道 ) of the Karatedo Association Netherlands. The names of the applied techniques are shown below. Each series is performed from both left (hidari) and right (migi) side front Kamae.

  1. [Kae-Ashi Sagaru] Gedan-Barai (Zenkutsu-Dachi)
  2. [Kae-Ashi Deru] Oi-Tsuki Jodan (Zenkutsu-Dachi)
  3. [Kae-Ashi Sagaru] Age-Uke (Zenkutsu-Dachi)
  4. Mawashi-Geri [Deru] & Uraken-Uchi & Gyaku-Tsuki Chudan (Zenkutsu-Dachi)

  1. [Kae-Ashi Sagaru] Gedan-Barai (Zenkutsu-Dachi)
  2. Mae-Geri [Sagaru] (Zenkutsu-Dachi)
  3. Kizami-Tsuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi)
  4. Ushiro-Geri [Deru] & Ura-Shuto-Uchi & Gyaku-Tsuki (Zenkutsu-Dachi)

© : This page was last updated on 2024/08/20.